Leverage Your Long-Term Investments for Cash Now: The ILOC
• < 1 min read
- Brief: Banking, Wealth Management

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Many homeowners quickly learn that a home equity line of credit, or HELOC, can be an easy and comparatively inexpensive way to raise cash quickly for such big-ticket needs as education, home improvements, health care, or a vacation splurge. For investors with substantial investment portfolios, AMG has a product that works similarly and offers significant benefits: the Investment Portfolio Secured Line of Credit, or ILOC.
An ILOC is a credit line secured by your investments. You can avoid selling the investments—and incurring capital gains on the proceeds—but still access as much as 75% of their value. You make monthly interest-only payments at rates that can actually be below the Prime Rate, depending on the loan balance.
This brochure explains how it works. ILOCs are just one way that AMG’s integrated private banking services connect every facet of wealth management from investment management, to trust and legacy planning, tax planning and more, all to make life easier for our clients.
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